Tuesday, February 27, 2007

shady days.

It is weird...today has been such mixed emotion for me. I will start backwards...I just got home from work, i read my daily blog from today's arthur and learned one of my favourite dogs Nero wasn't adopted, he was moved to West LA. and i also just saw one of my other favourites was moved there too. I assumed with the big adoption weekend a couple weeks ago, there were adopted. I guess one learnes to NEVER ever assume. I felt so sad hearing this and then Nikki brought me back to reality... HE ISN'T DEAD! and yes! she is right! So we will network him and Rufus and get them OUT.
Gwen my favourite staffie was adopted today.
And.....I woke up in such a good mood, my lil' foster jack was asleep in the laundry basket, i had the biggest giggle, i love him! and then i decided i should check on some dogs on the shelter site. and i didn't see many of them ...3 were redlisted. i didn't call the shelter, i didn't want to know. i couldn't handle it today. My heart is heavy... i have been having so many dreams about the dogs at the shelter and it is hard seeing every day such saddness and feeling helpless. But again Nikki's words...we do what we can, even if it is just one, that is one more saved.

so onward we go, making more posters, networking more dogs, saving more lives...
doing what we can and beyond.

(Gwen rescued by Villalobos Rescue Center)

And now we have 3 of our own that need so much money for surgery's. I am staying positive, knowing that the universe will provide, there is not an alternative.


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