Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pepe & Jake


This is Pepe & Jake. They were part of a hoarding situation and
being lil' small pot bellied pigs, sometimes they were beat up by
the the big bully pigs back in the day. Sadly, this caused them to become introverts.
They remind of little school boys on a "Little House on the Prairie" t.v show.
Scared and shy of people and wary of trying new things. Best friends that "get" each other and rely on one another for support. Jake is more willing to make friends and will have a little chat with you after a few minutes...he just has to make sure you are nice. Pepe, on the other hand, is VERY shy and in the most wee little voice will cry with uncertainty of the alien human in his home.
Together, though they are a team and living happily while they are at the sanctuary.





Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, how adorable! It's so sad that they're so shy now, but hopefully they'll realize no one's hurting them and come out of their piggy shells. :)

12:31 PM  

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