Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Give a Dog a Bone

( he needs OUT. was supposed to already be dead. Help!)

It's only Tuesday, it feels like Friday. We went to see the sickly ones yesterday. They are off IV's but have to stay in boarding until Friday. I can't stop thinking about them... wondering what they are thinking, if they know things will get better. Soon enough they will know, but it will take time. We went to the shelter today, there were two more on the euth list. We wanted to take pictures and network them. Already 3 dogs were saved today from the pictures that get posted and networked. yeah!!! But i hated leaving my lil' one. He is only 4 months old and already supposed to be dead. His owner brought him in hanging from his front two legs and said he didn't want him anymore. He is unsocialized, but he can be helped. We have got to get more money and fosters. Maybe that is why I have had a deathly 3 day headache. Stress that all these little lives need help and sometimes i just feel helpless. I have to tap into a marketing head realm. eek! I know there are genorous people, Nikki and i just have to find them or maybe them find us.

I decided I want to find Buck-aloo a home. But only the best! My home needs to be open for rehabilitation and i can't take in 4 dogs, it is too much and my house too small. I already miss him thinking of this. Letting these dogs go after helping them get back to normal is one of the hardest thing i will ever have to do. Like a mom giving up her babies. Tears fill my eyes. But i can't keep them all. There is a lot of love to go around. I am studying more training methods. i will be a cesar millan. Arg!!

( this is a wolf that can only get out by permit-needs a sanctuary)

So hopefully we will get some dogs adopted this week. Already there are 4-5 dogs with interest and we have adoptions at the palisades this weekend. oohhlala! Big houses for the doggies.

this week i will post new pics and hopefully figure out the website pages. I have really got to get a smaller dig. camera.

beep! beep!


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