Tuesday, December 11, 2007

grey muzzles


I have been going through photos of all the pictures taken throughout the last couple years, remembering the ones we helped get out with all the hours of networking. Loving all the dogs, but thinking lately of all the grey muzzles. I love older dogs, especially rescues. All that happens in their lives, they just seem to be so grateful for whatever they are offered. The grey on their faces and their soulful eyes, it is more like having a best friend than a frantic two year old child, which I have both. I rescued my first two when they were 3 months, two separate dogs, two separate situations rescued two months apart. It was challenging raising two babies, one having a few aggression issues, but I made a promise to them no matter what...I would never leave them. As hard as it was at times, we worked through it and the older they became, the more they became my lifeline. I think I needed them more than they needed me and now at eight years old, they are the most cherished beings in my life, my best friends. There are so many older animals dumped in the shelter for the dumbest reasons, just for being old or the people want a younger puppy or health reasons. It breaks my heart seeing their old bones on the cold concrete floor.
I remember the first time I saw an older animal in the shelter on her first day their. She was shaking so hard, I honestly thought she was going into convulsions. She was dumped because her owner died and her family didn't want to take care of her. Could you imagine losing your most cherished person in the world and going someplace so scary. A few months later this sweet girl was adopted only to be dumped because she couldn't walk on hardwood floors.
(The Unlucky Lucky)

I guess the people never heard of rugs. Her name was Lucky, but somehow I don't think she felt so lucky.
Adopt an older animal, you can give them the best last days of their life, even for just a few weeks. No one should ever have to spend their last good years alone, cold, hungry and unwanted.
Here are a small few of some grey muzzles we networked.
(Noah~Rescued by Best Friends-Adopted)

(Frosty~Rescued-Adopted-Passed on)



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