Sunday, August 03, 2008

coming along.

Things are getting easier as the days pass, learning where places are in town...somewhat and getting the dogs on some kind of a schedule. I need to get a bike to exercise edi, so much energy and ansli was NOT happy. Today we put on a halti and she was not having it AT ALL, but so much easier to walk when she wasn't clawing her face off. I need to try and walk more than one dog at a time and this seems to be the answer as I am not Cesar Millan quite yet. haha! yes, we are still watching the videos. We have watched them so many times the tape is starting to shake on the tv. But lots to do before the big day tomorrow, I guess. More like lots to clean up. aRG!
So, I am still liking it here, still some big adjustments as it is a very small town, but I think once I am busy working and at the sanctuary it will be great and once I have my little yard and garden put together for the dogs...even better!
Sally, Edi and Conrad just loves to lay outside and sun and I feel bad because they can't do that right now. The are crazy nutfangs off the leash...we don't want our neighbors hating us quite yet. bwhaha!







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