Sunday, August 03, 2008

a house full of juicy.

edi, originally uploaded by mutts and such.

"Invent your world; surround yourself with people, color, sounds and work that nourish you." — SARK, Living Juicy
Sark is one of my most favourite authors, she teaches us to live a juicy, creative stop worrying and embrace the colors of the world we live in. I am one that can tend to be WAY to serious, thinking everything is life and death. Even the start of my dream job tomorrow. Now, though...I am embracing what the universe has offered me, what I have worked so hard for. I am ready to live life freely and raw to learn and make mistakes but to become better in all I do. Like both Sark and The dog whisperer say...yes, two people from two different worlds.."LIVE IN THE NOW"!
Be happy.


Blogger Unknown said...

Amazing photo of Edie!!

11:03 AM  

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