Monday, August 04, 2008




My first day went smoothly, still getting things and equipment set I got to hang with saussie all day and I finally got to meet molly the other amazing photographer. I have so much to learn from them, they are beyond incredibly talented and I am so greatful to be around people where your talents can only get better and there are things to learn. My dogs were less than thrilled today as our morning did not start as planned and I went to dinner, so coming home for a batroom break and then leaving did not make happy campers...especially with a storm brewing. However, I am not a socialite...tonight was the exception of going out and they will get their evening walks. The boy is coming in this Friday night until sunday, I will drive to st. george to pick him up. They say grocery shopping is a little better over there, so maybe I should take advantage. I am hoping we will be able to put some type of fencing up, but it is supposed to rain, my yard still has weeds and I am not sure the will see. I desperately want an area for them to sun and potty.


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